Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Preparing for More College by Ryan

In general, there are really only two possibilities for someone who is attending community college: either you want to begin work but also need or want an associate's degree, or you are using community college in some form or another as a launching pad into a four-year school and beyond. Unfortunately, I have no insight into the options or the mindset of the first group, as my intention has always been to continue on to a four-year school. However, from my previous four-year experience, I have a few tips I can offer to help prepare students for life in such a competitive environment.

For students who actually enjoy being in school and learning as much as possible, university life should be extremely fulfilling. One of the coolest things about bigger schools is the specialization of classes. For example, as a history major, there are certain areas of history which appeal to me more than others. Let's say that I was very interested in American hstory. At most community colleges, I would be able to take two courses covering the two halves of American history that are split by the Civil War, and possibly one or two more general courses, such as CCC's American West course. At the four-year level, the course offerings become much more specialized and specific. One SUNY school I looked up is offering those basic American history courses. but also classes such as Religion in U.S. History and America in the 1960's. Because of the greater number of faculty, schools can offer classes that help students become even more prepared for their future.

It is fun to look ahead and prepare for graduation and moving on to bigger and better things. But while you're here at CCC, always be conscious of laying the groundwork for moving on. If you don't take the basics here, you can't step up to the next level after graduation. This is a great school and a fantastic place to prepare for launch into the bigger world.


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