Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mad Marchness by Ryan

Ahh, it's one of my favorite times of the year! The NCAA Tournament is under-way, and it looks like there might be a huge upset brewing! At the time of this post, 15th seeded Robert Morris is beating 2nd seeded Villanova. If Robert Morris is able to keep their lead and pull off the upset, it will be only the 5th time a 15 seed has beaten a 2. It would mess up my bracket along with a million other brackets, but I feel like an upset this big would be better than any benefit in a bracket.

The NCAA viewing event was a lot of fun! It's always enjoyable to see a sports event with a bunch of friends your age. There was pizza, chips, fruit, and soda for everyone who attended. When people arrived, they were given 5 tickets to put into raffles for various sports items that were raffled off throughout the event. There were team hats, mini-basketballs, and CCC basketball shoulder bags. It was a lot of fun and I think everyone really enjoyed it.

Speaking of basketball, intramural competition starts this Tuesday. I've heard a lot of people say they want to play this semester. Deb Prutsman, the intramural director, tries hard to even up the teams and does a great job. It should be great, and I hope many people take advantage of it. See you there!


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