Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Time is running REGISTER! by Tara Bowman

With finals rapidly sneaking up on us, I think it’s pretty easy to forget that there are things that need to be taken care of for the fall semester: registering for class. With all those great classes in the catalog book that you’ve been wanting to take, you definitely don’t want to be caught making a last minute decision about classes that fulfill your degree requirement, but not your fun requirement. The sooner you register the more choices you have; and trust me; if you wait to the last second you could wind up taking some bizarre course like “Intro to Badger Anatomy”. Unless short-legged, omnivorous weasels are a hobby of yours, that probably won’t be worth your time, if you’re a computer science major.

Something I’ve also found definitely worth considering is summer courses. By taking some of those, I’m able to graduate next spring, on time; and right now is the time to register for those as well. Instead of the material being taught over a fifteen week period, it’s taught over a four to ten week period, which could be a positive or a negative. It obviously takes up less of your summer vacation, but there’s less time to cover the material, so it can be a little intense. The good thing about summer classes, though, is if you want to lighten your course load for the fall, and get one or two classes out of the way, you can. The summer is also a great time to take some of your wellness, or recreation classes. Some of the really cool ones that are offered over the summer are golf, yoga, kayaking, and I hear the vegetarian adventure is really good, too. So act fast! All the good ones will fill up fast, and you really don’t want to know that much about a badger!

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