Friday, April 2, 2010

Sunglasses and Flip Flops by Jenn

Well, I was reading Ryan's posts about the softball and baseball teams when I realized that we're coming to the home stretch for school! I can't believe we have another break in three (two and a half to be specific!) weeks!! I feel like we just had break...but hey! I'm not complaining! This will be my first year of college completed and that just sounds really weird! Some people have told me that the first semester is the hardest but I have to say that my first semester flew by! I'm in my second right now and it certainly is not going quite as fast! Although, I've learned the trick: schedule a fun class on the long days. As fall registration is already up and running, may I highly suggest doing a sport class. I'm doing volleyball now and it is just a blast....I love it!

It's good to have fun interspersed between classes and homework! Yesterday, a group of kids played Ultimate Frisbee on the side of the!! I would love to have a Ultimate Frisbee "club" up here!!! Anyone in??

To add a fun splash to school today, my friends and I declared today a skirt day. (um they were all girls:)) There's nothing like dressing up in spring-ish clothes to give you a positive outlook on the day! So if you saw some girls walking around (haha, my friend Megan and I swapped one flip flop so we each had a hot orange and a black flip on!) yup! That was us!

So break out the shorts and sunglasses! Get out and enjoy this Easter weekend!!!!!

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