Thursday, May 13, 2010

SpringFest by Ryan

After a long, full semester, the school year is finally drawing to a close. The last few weeks of school are a strange time for me, as I balance the biggest workload of the year with getting my summer plans in order. There are minor details like preparing for finals and looking for a summer job that often get overlooked because of the important things, like softball starting. As the semester winds down, it becomes harder and harder to concentrate as you look more and more toward summer finally being here. It seems like there's an inexhaustible supply of energy that I can't wait to release. Thankfully, the Student Life office has us covered: SpringFest!

SpringFest has been a ton of fun so far. Every day there have been different events and giveaways in the Commons that have been awesome. One of my favorite events was the Minute to Win it day. In the main dining room in Commons, there was a table that had a bunch of minute-long races on it, based on the popular t.v. show. There were events such as building a pyramid out of 36 plastic cups and then taking it down, or my favorite, using only one hand and attempting to pull every tissue out of a tissue box, all within a minute. The games were fun and the prizes were cool.

Yesterday, there was a free ice cream day in the Commons. Students received a cute little puppy-shaped stress ball while standing in line, which turned out to be a big hit. The ice cream was very good, with a bunch of toppings set up on the self-serve table. The intramural department also gave away prizes based on the level of participation in intramurals during the school year.

As the year draws to a close, take advantage of these opportunities to relax a little and escape the pressing finals mindset. There are fun things happening all over, and it does the body good to get out once in a while. Have a fun day!


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